Year-End Gift
As this year draws to a close, we are reminded of all of the ways that God has used your faithful prayers and generous support in 2021 to expand His Kingdom throughout the countries of Eurasia, despite war, unrest, and the ongoing pandemic. Because of your investment in our ministry, thousands of young leaders have been trained and equipped to help bring spiritual transformation to some of the most difficult and challenging regions of the post-Soviet world. But there is still much left to be done before the end of this year. That’s why we are asking you to prayerfully consider a special year-end gift that would help fund the following three areas of critical need:
Bringing the Gift of Hope to Needy Children
Mission Eurasia’s Gift of Hope evangelistic children’s outreach is designed to bring the true meaning and hope of Christmas—the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ—to the most vulnerable members of post-Soviet society: children. This Christmas season, Mission Eurasia plans to provide 132,000 specially prepared Gifts of Hope to suffering and needy children across Eurasia.
Each colorful Gift of Hope is filled with toys, sweets, warm mittens or socks, and, most importantly, a copy of My First Bible or other copy of children’s Christian literature. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, each gift will also include essential hygiene items such as face masks and hand sanitizer. For a gift of $25, you can provide a Gift of Hope to a child in need.
Bringing Comfort and Help to Refugees in Crisis
This year has brought much suffering to the people of Eurasia. Residents of eastern Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, and Azerbaijan are longing for the hope that only God can provide. That’s why our School Without Walls leaders are working with local churches to respond to this crisis through our Caring Hands Refugee Assistance program.
Through Caring Hands we are providing food packets to the neediest refugee families that contain food and a copy of Scripture in their own language. For a gift of $50, you can provide a food packet for one refugee family for a week.
Training Young Leaders for the Church in Eurasia
The evangelical church in Eurasia needs young Christian leaders who can lead their churches in taking the gospel to the unreached and suffering. Our flagship training programs, School Without Walls and the Next Generation Professional Leaders Initiative (SWW/NGPLI), are designed to do just that.
In 2022, Mission Eurasia plans to train 1,600 young Christian leaders through School Without Walls and 15,000 young Christian professionals through NGPLI, using a hybrid approach of both in-person and online events that respond to the challenges facing the church in Eurasia. For a gift of $50, you can provide training for a young leader for one month.
Thank you for considering a special year-end gift