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A Special Easter Message from Sergey Rakhuba

A Special Easter Message from Sergey Rakhuba

“’O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’ But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 15: 55, 57

A Special Easter Message from Sergey Rakhuba

“Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!” These are the words that believers in Ukraine, Russia, and all across the former Soviet Union are using to greet each other this Easter season. These words convey the powerful truth that Christ’s resurrection brings hope to even the darkest situations, including the war in Ukraine. That’s why our dedicated staff and volunteers are sharing this special Easter message with every family food package they deliver to hungry families, every copy of Scripture they place in the hands of frightened adults and children, and every word of comfort they bring to broken hearts and lives through our Caring Hands-Ukraine outreach.

I am writing from the ministry field where I recently spent time at our refugee assistance centers in Krakow and Warsaw, Poland, and Chisinau, Moldova. I was extremely pleased to see how God is using these centers to provide urgently needed assistance, including food, transportation, and housing for some of the 4.7 million refugees—especially mothers, children, and the elderly—who have fled Ukraine during the past few weeks.

As less people are now crossing the border, we are seeing a greater need for pastoral care and counseling. That’s why, in the coming days ahead, we will refocus our staff leadership resources, train more volunteers, and mobilize more local churches to provide pastoral care and trauma counseling for the refugee communities in these countries.

A Special Easter Message from Sergey Rakhuba

While in western Ukraine, I visited Chernivtsi, where we have a vibrant ministry hub. I was amazed by the energy and dedication of the workers there, who are tirelessly packing food, other essentials, and copies of Scripture, and distributing them throughout Ukraine.

Finally, I visited our fourth and newest food distribution ministry hub in Mukachevo, a mid-size town of about 80,000 people, which is located in a relatively safe and convenient location in western Ukraine. Here local churches and our School Without Walls teams are doing an amazing job. As of this week, they have already distributed 100 tons of food to those in need.

Again, we are so grateful for the prayers and support of our ministry partners and friends who are standing with us to bring tangible help and the hope of the gospel to those in Ukraine and abroad. As a result of your support, we have already delivered a total of 18,000 family food packages to people in need. We look forward to your continued support as we work toward our new goal of distributing 50,000 family food packages (at a cost of $50 each) in the next three months.

Finally, please pray with us that all of those affected by the war will experience the comfort and love of the Risen Christ this Easter season and in the difficult days and weeks ahead.

May you and your family have a blessed Easter.

Most gratefully in Him,

Sergey Rakhuba

Sergey Rakhuba

Ukraine Needs Help

Go to our Caring Hands-Ukraine Program page to get the latest reports from the Mission Eurasia team on the ground.