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COVID-19 Crisis Has Not Halted Ministry in Eurasia

Covid-19 Response


Dear Ministry Partner,

We continue to pray for you and your family during this ongoing crisis. We remain so grateful for your faithful partnership as we know we are all being impacted by challenges caused by COVID-19. While this crisis impacts all of us, we want to share how ministry is moving forward and hope is being shared with those seeking true answers and encouragement.

Our team continues to share promising reports and photographs from the field of how our leaders and ministry partners are serving as angels of hope to those in need.


  • With the growing restrictions on travel and events, most of our training, Bible studies, and other ministry outreach have moved online through video conferences and live streaming on social media. One of our School Without Walls (SWW) coordinators recently partnered with a church in Ukraine to hold a live stream ministry event that drew around 800 people total through Facebook Live and YouTube.
  • Our SWW students continue to distribute food, supplies, and ministry materials to those in need while following the rules each country has put in place.
  • We also are hearing encouraging reports of our leaders reaching out to those with medical needs. One of those leaders works with a Christian mobile medical clinic that partners with local churches to reach people with urgent medical needs in eastern Ukraine. These opportunities have opened the door for the gospel to be shared.

Covid-19 responseWe continue to be reminded that the Great Commission is not put on hold during this crisis! We remain thankful for the Next Generation leaders that you helped us train and equip who are now being mobilized to the front lines of ministry to serve as lighthouses of hope in Christ.

Our teams continue to meet regularly online and pray:

  • For protection for our world leaders, medical personnel, ministry partners and supporters, and ministry leaders and their families as we all navigate this crisis.
  • That God would continue to be glorified through our ministry efforts and that the church would rise up even stronger in challenging times like this.
  • That God would provide the resources we need to sustain and even expand our existing ministry programs and that new opportunities for ministry would emerge as a result.

Please stay tuned for more updates and information from Mission Eurasia on how we can continue to move forward together. If you have questions or would like to share your personal prayer requests, please email us at: To support the work of Mission Eurasia, click here.

Prayerfully in Him,

Sergey Rakhuba, President, Mission Eurasia
Wayne Shepherd, Chairman of the Mission Eurasia Board of Directors