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Critical Update on Ukraine

Ukraine Emergency assistance

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support as Mission Eurasia, churches, and ministry partners on the ground in Ukraine and neighboring countries grapple with the increasing violence and the growing humanitarian crisis.

We are receiving heartbreaking reports from our partners in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Mariupol, which has been surrounded by the Russian army who cut off the electricity, water, and other communications. Invaders targeted a blood bank, two operating rooms, and destroyed 30 buses which stood ready to evacuate innocent civilians. Missile and artillery strikes are actively destroying escape routes.

In the city of Irpin, near Kyiv, evacuation attempts met with mortar fire from Russian forces and took the lives of many civilians. This is the location of Mission Eurasia’s field ministries headquarters, and it is now under Russian military control.

As of today, the UN reports that 1,735,068 people have fled Ukraine. But through God’s grace and support from friends like you, Mission Eurasia is responding to meet the needs of the suffering refugees outside of Ukraine, as well as those who are targets of Russian aggression in-country.

As of last Saturday, March 5, Mission Eurasia distributed more than 3,000 food packages to desperate families. In addition to food distribution, we have helped establish three refugee assistance centers—two in Poland and one in Moldova. In partnership with churches and volunteers, we are picking up refugees at the border, providing temporary shelter, food, and assisting them in finding longer-term housing. On Saturday, 1,000 refugees were assisted and on Sunday another 1,200 refugees were assisted. In addition to practical relief assistance and housing, we are providing counseling, copies of Scripture, and pastoral care.

The impact of this outreach to people who are frightened and fleeing for their lives cannot be overstated. We are truly the arms and legs of Jesus, sharing food, love, shelter, and hope with people who are in despair.

But we have an urgent need to meet food shortages: Refugees, displaced people, and civilians who are trapped by Russian forces and unable to evacuate all need food to survive.

  • It costs $50 to help one family in Ukraine with enough food for a week. It costs $50 to assist a refugee family with food, Scripture, and shelter.
  • We need to purchase six additional box trucks to transport and deliver more food back to ministry hubs in Ukraine as the food shortage worsens. Each truck costs $20,000 so a total of $120,000 is needed for six trucks.

We are so grateful for the response of our donors and ministry partners, but we need more help as the humanitarian crisis worsens. Thank you for giving generously now so our Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund can meet growing needs today and in the days ahead.

  • Also, please unite with us in prayer and ask God to:
    Move in every heart, bringing comfort to innocent victims, and transformation to invaders that they may know His will for them and stop fighting.
  • Protect innocent civilians who huddle in bomb shelters, metro stations, or on the roads.
  • Protect Mission Eurasia’s staff and ministry partners who are on the ground sharing food, help, and the hope of the gospel.
  • Continue to provide the food, supplies, and funds needed to meet the urgent needs of Ukrainians in crisis. May this outreach open hearts to hear the Good News that there is hope for this life and for an eternity with Christ.

May God bless you for praying and partnering with us however you are able. And please share this important update with your friends and loved ones so they too may join us at this critical time.


In Him,

Sergey Rakhuba

Sergey Rakhuba