Presenting Mission Eurasia’s 2020 Annual Report: Advancing the gospel in times of crisis
Looking back on 2020, Mission Eurasia President Sergey Rakhuba shared how he remains grateful for the prayers and support of ministry partners during an especially turbulent year of ministry. Despite all of the challenges, he noted, “God’s work continued to advance mightily in Eurasia, bringing hope and new life to people suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, war, civil unrest, and myriad other crises.”
This week, we released our 2020 Mission Eurasia Annual Report online. You can download the report by clicking here.
In the report, Mission Eurasia shares how God has used the investment of partners in our ministry to train and equip young leaders who are reaching countless lives through:
School Without Walls (SWW) and Next Generation Professional Leaders Initiative (NGPLI) leadership training programs, which used a combination of online and in-person events to overcome the challenges of COVID-19.
Caring Hands Refugee Assistance program that provided special spiritual, physical, and emotional care for refugees, victims of war, and many other suffering people.
Scripture publishing and evangelism that provided the life-changing Word of God in different languages and formats and for different age groups.
Children’s outreaches including Gift of Hope and summer outreach Bible camps, which reached the youngest and most vulnerable lives in Eurasia—and there are many other strategic ministry programs described in this annual report.
Please be sure to go to the Ministry Impact page at the end of the report to see how many lives God has allowed us to touch with the hope of Christ during these desperate times.