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The Bread of Life—Ukraine Update

The Bread of Life

In the midst of so much sorrow and hardship in Ukraine, I want you to know that your prayers and gifts are impacting lives in huge ways!

To date, your compassion and generosity have equipped our School Without Walls (SWW) leaders and volunteers to distribute more than 11,000 food boxes to people trapped in-country and also through our three refugee centers, two in Poland and one in Moldova.

Our Caring Hands food boxes contain enough food to sustain a family of five for a week or more and are truly saving lives. But each of these food boxes also contains the bread of life . . .

Each food box we distribute shares God’s Word, including special edition Ukrainian New Testaments with Psalms and Proverbs, New Testaments in Russian, Bible storybooks for Ukrainian children, Light and Hopegospel magazines in Ukrainian, and special Molitvoslov prayer booklets to bring comfort to the suffering. Additional Scripture versions and languages will be printed soon so we can continue to feed more souls and hearts along with the hungry bodies of people who are in urgent need of the hope of the gospel!


As Jesus taught us, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” —Matthew 4:4, ESV

We are trusting God to continue equipping Mission Eurasia to feed the hungry and to encourage the suffering with God’s Word, in a language they can understand. We are trusting that God will use our ongoing outreach to bring the lost, broken, and hurting to Him.

Please give as you are able to provide food and Scripture to people trapped in Ukraine and to those who have evacuated through our refugee assistance centers. Every $50 you give provides one food pack—enough to help feed and encourage a family for a week.

Please pray with us that God will continue to protect our staff as they risk all to deliver Caring Hands food boxes plus medicine, diapers, hygiene items, and other necessities to refugees and Ukrainians who remain in-country. Please pray that the Bibles, New Testaments, Scripture-based magazines, and prayer booklets they distribute will bring comfort, hope, and salvation to the unreached.

Thank you for continuing to stand with Mission Eurasia in prayer and action to share food and the bread of life with the Ukrainian people during these difficult times.

In Him,

Sergey Rakhuba

Ukraine Needs Help

Go to our Caring Hands-Ukraine Program page to get the latest reports from the Mission Eurasia team on the ground.