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What I wish the whole world could see—Ukraine Update

What I wish the whole world could see—Ukraine Update

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
—1 Corinthians 15:57, ESV

Dear Friend,

Whether you are glued to the news or watching it in small doses because it is so painful, you will see reports that detail horror after horror as Ukrainian cities are reduced to rubble. You’ll hear about the millions of Ukrainian people who have been driven from their homes, and millions of others who are still in Ukraine, trapped, hungry, and hurting. You’ll hear mounting evidence of war crimes against the Russian invaders as Putin continues to try and justify the war.

What you don’t see in the news—what I wish the whole world could see—is how Christ is mightily at work, opening hearts to hear the Good News, and how Mission Eurasia’s outreach, in partnership with others, is sharing Christ’s love and mercy with hurting people every day.

Please take a moment now to see and grasp the profound impact your prayers and gifts of food and Scripture are having:

Our distribution of Caring Hands food boxes—numbering more than 30,000 family food packages to date—continue taking place in the Zhytomyr region where some villages were affected by attacks. People have been cut off from all provisions and are in dire need of food.

In Kharkiv, a city that continues to suffer from Russian attacks, our distribution of Caring Hands food boxes and Scripture are a beacon of hope to shattered people.

What I wish the whole world could see—Ukraine Update

And although Russian troops that were stationed in Irpin burned our field ministries headquarters and warehouse that contained Scripture and Christian literature, your prayers and support got the presses rolling again. Today, our teams are distributing the Gospel of John and they are being gratefully received!

What I wish the whole world could see—Ukraine Update

A team of eight doctors from Kazakhstan and the US are now in Ukraine responding to the physical and spiritual needs of refugees. Hundreds of people have received medical assistance and heard the gospel! These doctors also distribute medicines that they brought with them to help those in need, including people trapped in Kherson, a city in southern Ukraine, which is occupied by Russian forces and is in huge need of medical supplies.

What I wish the whole world could see—Ukraine Update

And this sweet scene should be on the news in every nation on earth. Pictured here with a group of refugee children is Natalia Prostun, a psychologist and author of the NEA book published by Mission Eurasia, How to Understand a Child who Has Seen War and How to Help Them. Natalia is traveling with the medical team to provide psychological help to children who have been scarred emotionally by death and destruction at the hands of Russian invaders.

What I wish the whole world could see—Ukraine Update

These are just a few of the images, showing the encounters, and the hope and healing that God is accomplishing through the Mission Eurasia team.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support to provide food, help, and hope to the suffering people of Ukraine.

In Him,

Sergey Rakhuba

Sergey Rakhuba

Ukraine Needs Help

Go to our Caring Hands-Ukraine Program page to get the latest reports from the Mission Eurasia team on the ground.