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Non-Cash Assets

Donating your non-cash assets to Mission Eurasia can provide significant tax deductions for you and removes assets from your taxable estate.

Consider donating your non-cash assets or gifts in kind directly to Mission Eurasia instead of first liquidating and then donating the proceeds. This can ensure a far greater tax deduction than if you had sold the asset first and then donated the after-tax proceeds to us. It also ensures that Mission Eurasia—and not you—handles the administrative burden. You can give full or partial interests, and you can give during your lifetime or (with proper planning) after your death.

For questions or additional information, please contact us at, or call 630-462-1739 and ask for the Stewardship Department. Mission Eurasia will work closely with your legal, tax, or other advisors to help design a plan that meets your personal goals.

Types of non-cash assets you can put to work for the Kingdom today include:

  • Real estate—land, houses, or other properties
  • Business interests—ownership in closely held businesses, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, or Sub-chapter S corporations
  • Personal property—vehicles, gift cards, royalties, copyrights, artwork, recent-model smartphones, or precious jewels and metals

Please note that Mission Eurasia does not provide specific legal, tax, or financial advice, so please be sure to consult your legal and tax advisors.