United in Prayer 15-Month Prayer Booklet
The countries of Eurasia and Israel need prayer! And it starts with you.
War, human trafficking, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide, and HIV/AIDS rates in these countries are symptoms of spiritual sickness that can only be healed through prayer and the life-changing Good News of Jesus!
We have compiled a 15-MONTH PRAYER GUIDE to raise awareness of the needs and plight of Christians throughout the countries of the post-Soviet Union/Eurasia and Israel – and to encourage daily prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ and the people they serve.
The prayer booklet includes:
- Brief descriptions of each country where we operate.
- Updates on the current challenges in each country where Mission Eurasia works.
- Prayer requests from our staff and the Next Generation Christian leaders who are faithfully serving God despite growing challenges.
- Faith-building personal testimonies from those whose lives have been transformed.
THANK YOU for being a bold, faithful prayer warrior for Mission Eurasia and the countries where we serve!
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United in Prayer Booklet

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