
Mission Eurasia works in Tajikistan and the other countries of Eurasia to train and equip young Christian leaders for effective ministry.
Tajikistan remains the poorest former Soviet country—plagued by corruption, persecution, and a dependence on Russia and remittances. Ongoing drug and terrorism problems with neighboring Afghanistan have produced ISIS-linked attacks and illicit drug traffic equal to nearly one third of the Tajik national GDP. The five-year Tajik civil war after the Soviet Union’s collapse solidified Emomali Rahmon’s position as the first president, where he has remained in power since. His son is being positioned as his successor.
The civil war also resulted in substantial emigration, which included Christians, who now make up less than half of one percent of the remaining population. Religious persecution and human rights violations remain pervasive, with Tajikistan designated as a “Country of Particular Concern” by the U.S. State Department and ranking 44th on the 2023 World Watch List of the top 50 worst countries in the world for persecution against Christians. As in other Central Asian nations, all organized religious activity is subject to governmental approval, applying even to Muslims, despite their making up more than 99% of the population. Protestant churches have been fined for producing Tajik translations of the Bible without government approval, and children’s ministries are complicated by the illegality of minors practicing religion in public. Such laws have pushed the evangelical church—less than a tenth of one percent of the population—almost entirely underground.
Despite these challenges, our School Without Walls (SWW) program continues by working with underground churches in Tajikistan, sharing the gospel safely and discreetly through various ministries like sports camps, social events, and strategic teaching for spiritual growth and unity in the Tajik church. In 2023, you supported our SWW ministry training for 50 enrolled leaders, 16 of whom graduated from the full two-year program. Please pray for these believers as many face adversity even from their unbelieving relatives.
Help Spread the Gospel in Tajikistan
Tajikistan is one of the poorest countries in Eurasia, where Christians face persecution and human rights violations. Mission Eurasia's School Without Walls (SWW) program works with underground churches in Tajikistan to share the gospel safely and discreetly through various ministries like sports camps, social events, and strategic teaching.
Join us in supporting the SWW program in Tajikistan and help us equip young Christian leaders for effective ministry. Your donation can make a difference in spreading the love of Christ and bringing hope to those who need it most.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6-7
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the poverty, illicit drug trade, and terrorism that afflict this nation, keeping the people in bondage, darkness, and fear.
- Please pray for our SWW students and leaders as government scrutiny has been increasingly intense. Pray for courage and protection for Christians living in a country with some of the worst persecution in the world.
- Please pray for the success of our Bread of Life Bakeries, which is a strategic way we can provide bread and share the gospel with Muslims in remote villages. Pray for safety for those involved and that many hungry hearts would receive the true Bread of Life.
- Please pray for Mission Eurasia’s outreaches to Tajik children. Pray that authorities in this religiously oppressive country would not hinder any of our initiatives, and would allow children to freely hear the gospel.