Valentina’s Story: The impact of Children’s Camps

Valentina and her seven-year-old daughter fled from Ukraine as refugees and found help and hope at one of Mission Eurasia’s partner churches in Poland that provides summer Bible camps for Ukrainian refugee children. The pastor of this church, Pastor Vitali, shares this story of how Valentina found salvation in Christ after inquiring about summer Bible camp for her daughter:
“Heaven rejoices! One more soul has joined the family of believers! A woman named Valentina called me a few weeks ago and said, ‘Hello! I know that you hold children's camps. My friend’s child was at your Christian camp. Please tell me, are you currently conducting classes for children? I would like my child to attend so she can learn more about God.’
“So I invited Valentina and her daughter to attend a Sunday worship service at our church last Sunday. Valentina listened attentively and cried throughout the entire sermon. As a result, she was reconciled to God. She now has joy and hope in Jesus Christ. Because of her desire to help her daughter learn about God, she found God herself.
“Valentina’s testimony reminds all of us that there are no ‘small’ or ‘big’ ministries but that we must all continue to serve the Lord zealously. Praise God!”
Summer of Hope Bible Camps
Learn more about how you can help children like Valentina's daughter.
This summer, our goal is to reach 30,000 needy children! Learn how you can be part of supporting the vital mission.