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Roman, a young man from Israel who accepted Christ at a summer Bible camp

“Discovering the Love of My Heavenly Father”

By ME Admin | April 17, 2019

“My name is Roman and I was born in Israel to a family that didn’t know God. My father was a drug addict, and when I was only a few months old, he left my mother and me and moved to Eilat, Israel’s southernmost city. Later, I learned that he justified leaving by saying that…

Andrey, a former drug addict who accepted Christ in Israel

Andrey’s Story: Freed from Addiction

By ME Admin | April 17, 2019

“I had dedicated myself to Satan and was involved in the practice of the occult from an early age. When I was only 14, I began to use drugs and then graduated to heavier drugs. I soon realized that I couldn’t help myself, even though I knew deep down inside that I should stop. My…

Irina, a young girl from Ukraine who came to faith at summer Bible camp

Irina’s Story: A Heart Transformed at Summer Bible Camp

By ME Admin | August 9, 2018

God can transform even the hardest of hearts in an instant, and at our summer Bible camps each year, thousands of young people surrender their lives to Jesus. For the last four years, the village of Andreyevka, Ukraine has endured the violence, destruction, and despair of war. In order to share the eternal hope and…

Sanzhar (name changed for safety), School Without Walls leader in Kazakhstan

Abandoned by the World, Adopted by the Church

By ME Admin | March 19, 2018

“I am a Christian because when the rest of the world turned its back on me, the church was there for me,” shares Sanzhar (name changed for safety), one of our current School Without Walls (SWW) students from Kazakhstan. Despite the danger of being an open Christian in Kazakhstan, Sanzhar refuses to stop sharing the…

School Without Walls conference in Mongolia

Young Christians Sharing Christ in Rural Mongolia

By ME Admin | March 19, 2018

The name of our School Without Walls (SWW) program comes from the flexible, adaptable nature of this strategic leadership training program—our SWW sessions and students are not confined to the traditional walls of a school building, but instead they are encouraged to conduct ministry training on the ground wherever it is needed most. Any place…

Lika, School Without Walls leader in Georgia

A Muslim Family Transformed by the Gospel: Lika’s Story

By ME Admin | March 16, 2018

“I was born into a Muslim family and like a good Muslim, I followed all of the rituals,” shares Lika, one of our School Without Walls (SWW) students from Georgia. But God got a hold of her heart—and the hearts of her entire family—in a powerful way when she was invited to one of Mission…

Summer Bible camp in Israel

Stepping Out in Faith: Living Israel Bible Camp

By ME Admin | March 14, 2018

Last year, God called several young Next Generation Christian leaders to organize a summer Bible camp to share the gospel with unreached children in Israel, in partnership with Living Israel, a messianic church and ministry committed to sharing God’s love with Israel’s Russian-speaking population. These young leaders knew that many children in Israel are unreached by the…

Boris, School Without Walls leader in Israel

Serving the Lost Sheep of Israel

By ME Admin | March 14, 2018

Boris is one of our current School Without Walls (SWW) students in Israel. He found Christ through a Christian rehabilitation center run by Living Israel, a messianic Christian ministry in Israel that partners closely with Mission Eurasia to conduct holistic ministry in the Holy Land. Boris’ faith journey is one of dramatic transformation only made…

Natasha's family, served by School Without Walls students in Moldova

A New Home for Natasha

By ME Admin | March 7, 2018

  “When we first met Natasha’s family, their home was in a terrible state,” shares Denis, one of our School Without Walls (SWW) coordinators in Moldova. “Their two-room house was too small to comfortably accommodate Natasha and her six children, very dirty, and insufficiently heated. Natasha and her partner often drank and left the children…

Svetlana, wheelchair recipient in Ukraine

The Wonderful Gift of Mobility

By ME Admin | March 7, 2018

For many years, Svetlana worked on a collective farm in a small village in the Chernigov region of Ukraine. This was very challenging, because she was often in poor health, but didn’t have time to take care of herself. For 15 years, the only thing that kept her going was her dream of retirement. She…